Beware of Heatstroke in Summer Season

A selective focus shot of a thermometer in the beach sand with a blurred background

Beware of Heatstroke in Summer Season

Indonesians are advised to be aware of heatstroke during the dry season as it can be fatal. Heatstroke does not occur suddenly, but is preceded by dehydration and heat exhaustion.

Heatstroke Symptoms:
– Body temperature above 40°C
– Hot and dry skin
– Dizziness, headache, nausea
– Rapid pulse and breathing
– Confusion, seizures, loss of consciousness

Preventive Steps:
1. Avoid Direct Sun Exposure:
Limit outdoor activities when the sun is strong. Seek shade or use an umbrella.

2. Drink Enough Water:
Make sure you drink enough water to keep your body hydrated, especially during outdoor activities.

3. Use Sunscreen:
Applying sunscreen can prevent skin cancer and other skin problems such as dry skin and blisters.

4. Wear Sunglasses:
Sunglasses protect the eyes from UV exposure that can cause cataracts.

5. Wear the Right Clothes:
Wear light, light-colored, loose-fitting clothing to help keep your body cool.

6. Take Regular Breaks:
If working or doing activities outside, make sure to take regular breaks in a cool place.

Stay healthy during the dry season and be aware of the signs of heatstroke to prevent more serious risks. If you or someone nearby experiences symptoms of heatstroke, seek medical attention immediately.

Waspada Heatstroke di Musim Kemarau

Masyarakat Indonesia dianjurkan untuk mewaspadai sengatan panas matahari atau “heat stroke” saat musim kemarau karena bisa berujung fatal. Heatstroke tidak terjadi secara tiba-tiba, melainkan didahului oleh dehidrasi dan kelelahan akibat panas (heat exhaustion)

Gejala Heatstroke:
– Suhu tubuh di atas 40°C
– Kulit panas dan kering
– Pusing, sakit kepala, mual
– Denyut nadi dan pernapasan cepat
– Kebingungan, kejang, penurunan kesadaran

Langkah Pencegahan:
1. Hindari Paparan Langsung Matahari:
Batasi aktivitas di luar ruangan saat matahari terik. Cari tempat yang teduh atau gunakan payung.

2. Minum Air Secukupnya:
Pastikan Anda minum air putih yang cukup untuk menjaga tubuh tetap terhidrasi, terutama saat beraktivitas di luar ruangan.

3. Gunakan Sunscreen:
Mengaplikasikan sunscreen dapat mencegah kanker kulit dan masalah kulit lainnya seperti kulit kering dan melepuh.

4. Pakailah Kacamata Hitam:
Kacamata hitam melindungi mata dari paparan sinar UV yang dapat menyebabkan katarak.

5. Kenakan Pakaian yang Tepat:
Gunakan pakaian ringan, berwarna terang, dan longgar untuk membantu menjaga tubuh tetap dingin.

6. Beristirahat Secara Teratur:
Jika bekerja atau beraktivitas di luar, pastikan untuk mengambil istirahat secara teratur di tempat yang sejuk.

Tetap jaga kesehatan selama musim kemarau dan waspadai tanda-tanda heatstroke untuk mencegah risiko yang lebih serius. Jika Anda atau seseorang di sekitar mengalami gejala heatstroke, segera cari bantuan medis.

Social Media
Instagram: Cangkir Mas, Selaksa Makna, Jagur, Jagurich
Tiktok: Cangkir Mas
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